Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Graduate attributes that boost your employability

Do you have a graduate (or even postgraduate) tax qualification? Are you looking to land a prestige tax, accounting or legal position?

To separate yourself from the pack of other candidates in the eyes of prospective employers, it pays to demonstrate the following four attributes.

Monday, 12 February 2018

How to make the most of your Mondays

Nothing sends your productivity into overdrive like getting a flying start to the week. You might think of each Monday as the ‘weekend hangover’, but it’s better to use the day as an opportunity to establish your priorities and beat your deadlines.

Whether you’re facing five days filled with client meetings or completing the last phase of a project that requires your analytical skills to be razor-sharp, here are four top tips for making the most of your Mondays.

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Build your resume while you study

A ‘Catch 22’ situation exists for many younger graduates – employers often require that you already have relevant work experience before they’ll consider hiring you, but you need to secure that first job to gain experience.

Achieving a high-distinction average in your undergraduate studies or mastering your taxation law units is likely not enough to help you land the job of your dreams. While recruiters and hiring managers seek candidates who show academic rigour, many also require that you demonstrate passion, focus, drive and initiative in a practical environment.

There’s no reason to despair, however, if you’re still studying for your degree. There are countless ways to begin proving to your potential employer that your contribution to their business will go well beyond balancing the books.

Here are four strategies for building your résumé while you study – because it's never too early to begin your career in a ‘real world’ sense.