Wednesday 11 April 2018

A mentor can be a helping hand up the career ladder

Nineteenth-century American writer Ralph Waldo Emerson once declared: “What I need is someone who will make me do what I can.”

As it turns out, it’s not only poets who need a helpful push to reach their potential.

Friday 6 April 2018

A forum for emerging leaders in tax

On Friday 25 May, the technical program of The Tax Institute’s 11th annual NSW Tax Forum will feature a new, dedicated ‘Emerging leaders’ stream.

It’s a four-hour program designed to help nurture the future of the tax profession.

Practitioners will benefit from attending if they:

  • have less than 5 years’ experience in tax
  • need to build their tax-related technical skills
  • have not attended the NSW Tax Forum previously
  • would like to interact with like-minded professionals.

The stream encompasses four sessions that cover issues relevant to emerging tax advisers.