Despite this, taking control of your time can often appear fraught with challenges of its own. Bad habits and disorganised work practices usually mean giving in to the urge to procrastinate. Luckily, there’s no shortage of secrets that can send your productivity levels sky-high. Here are a few foolproof tactics for getting more done.
The Pomodoro Technique
Invented in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo, the Pomodoro Technique is a much-loved productivity method designed to preserve clarity and minimise mental fatigue. The technique invites people to spend 25 minutes on work and then take a five-minute break. After four Pomodoro ‘rounds’, they enjoy a longer 20-minute rest. This strategy is based on the idea that constantly timing your activities drives you to complete tasks more quickly while avoiding the temptation to waste time. It also uses regular work-free intervals to keep motivation intact.
If you’re juggling multiple commitments, it’s easy to feel swamped by your tasks. That’s why Trello – an easy-to-use app that lets you create ‘boards’ for every project, track to-do items and collaborate with other team members – is a godsend if you’re serious about upping your productivity. Trello also offers total visibility of your projects and allows you to understand your progress at every stage. This makes it easier than ever to allocate your time.
The Cornell System
Ever found yourself sitting in an accounting class bombarded by information you need to record? The Cornell System can work wonders for your efficiency. The system invites you to jot down big-picture ideas, embrace abbreviations and use a ‘recall column’ to list specific words and phrases. It’s a powerful note-taking strategy that lets you capture essential information without needing to fill in the gaps in the future.
Schedule your most important tasks first
Few time-management tactics are as effective as getting your critical tasks accomplished first. If you schedule your most pressing responsibilities for the start of the day, there’s less chance of squandering time on admin and non-urgent work. It will also ensure your workday is in line with your priorities.
From project management apps to scheduling habits, there are countless ways to chase away distractions and optimise your hours. What are your tried-and-tested productivity secrets?

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